OpenSIPS interaction via event_datagram


  • OpenSIPS out of residential configuration generated.
  • Considering the following users (with configs hardcoded in the opensips.cfg configuration script): 1002-postpaid, 1003-pseudoprepaid, 1004-rated, 1007-rated.
  • For simplicity we configure no authentication (WARNING: Not for production usage).
  • CGRateS with following components:
  • CGR-SM started as translator between OpenSIPS and cgr-rater for both authorization events (pseudoprepaid) as well as CDR ones.
  • CGR-CDRS component processing raw CDRs from CGR-SM component and storing them inside CGR StorDB.
  • CGR-CDRE exporting rated CDRs from CGR StorDB (export path: /tmp).
  • CGR-History component keeping the archive of the rates modifications (path browsable with git client at /tmp/cgr_history).

Starting OpenSIPS with custom configuration

/usr/share/cgrates/tutorials/osips_async/opensips/etc/init.d/opensips start

To verify that OpenSIPS is running we run the console command:

opensipsctl moni

Starting CGRateS with custom configuration

/usr/share/cgrates/tutorials/osips_async/cgrates/etc/init.d/cgrates start

Make sure that cgrates is running

cgr-console status

CDR processing

At the end of each call OpenSIPS will generate an CDR event and due to automatic handler registration built in CGRateS-SM component, this will be directed towards the port configured inside cgrates.json. This event will reach inside CGRateS through the SM component (close to real-time). Once in-there it will be instantly rated and be ready for export.

CGRateS Usage

Since it is common to most of the tutorials, the example for CGRateS usage is provided in a separate page here