CGRateS Usage

Loading CGRateS Tariff Plans

Before proceeding to this step, you should have CGRateS installed and started with custom configuration, depending on the tutorial you have followed.

For our tutorial we load again prepared data out of shared folder, containing following rules:

  • Create the necessary timings (always, asap, peak, offpeak).
  • Configure 3 destinations (1002, 1003 and 10 used as catch all rule).
  • As rating we configure the following:
  • Rate id: RT_10CNT with connect fee of 20cents, 10cents per minute for the first 60s in 60s increments followed by 5cents per minute in 1s increments.
  • Rate id: RT_20CNT with connect fee of 40cents, 20cents per minute for the first 60s in 60s increments, followed by 10 cents per minute charged in 1s increments.
  • Rate id: RT_40CNT with connect fee of 80cents, 40cents per minute for the first 60s in 60s increments, follwed by 20cents per minute charged in 10s increments.
  • Rate id: RT_1CNT having no connect fee and a rate of 1 cent per minute, chargeable in 1 minute increments.
  • Will charge by default RT_40CNT for all 10xx destinations during peak times (Monday-Friday 08:00-19:00) and RT_10CNT during offpeatimes (rest).
  • Account 1001 will receive a special deal for 1002 and 1003 destinations during peak times with RT_20CNT, otherwise having default rating.
  • Accounting part will have following configured:
  • Create 5 accounts: 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1007.
  • Create 1 account alias (1006 - alias of account 1002).
  • Create 1 rating profile alias (1006 - alias of rating profile 1001).
  • 1002, 1003, 1004 will receive 10units of *monetary balance.
  • 1001 will receive 5 units of general *monetary, 5 units of shared balance in the shared group “SHARED_A” and 90 seconds of calling destination 1002 with special rates RT_1CNT.
  • 1007 will receive 0 units of shared balance in the shared group “SHARED_A”.
  • Define the shared balance “SHARED_A” with debit policy *highest.
  • For each balance created, attach 4 triggers to control the balance: log on balance<2, log on balance>20, log on 5 mins talked towards 10xx destination, disable the account and log if a balance is higher than 100 units.
  • DerivedCharging will execute one extra mediation run when the sessions will have as account and rating subject 1001 resulting in a cloned session with most of parameters identical to original except RequestType which will be set on rated instead of original prepaid one. The extra run will be identified by derived_run1 in CDRs.
  • Will configure 4 extra CdrStatQueues:
  • CDRST1 with 10 CDRs in the Queue and unlimited time window, calculating ASR, ACD and ACC for CDRs with Tenant matching and MediationRunId matching default. On this StatsQueue we will attach an ActionTrigger profile identified by CDRST1_WARN
  • CDRST_1001 with 10 CDRs in the Queue and 10 minutes time window calculating ASR, ACD and ACC for CDRs with Tenant matching, RatingSubject matching 1001 and MediationRunId matching default. On this StatsQueue we will attach an ActionTrigger profile identified by CDRST1001_WARN
  • CDRST_1002 with 10 CDRs in the Queue and 10 minutes time window calculating ASR, ACD and ACC for CDRs with Tenant matching, RatingSubject matching 1002 and MediationRunId matching default. On this StatsQueue we will attach an ActionTrigger profile identified by CDRST1001_WARN
  • CDRST_1003 with 10 CDRs in the Queue and 10 minutes time window calculating ASR, and ACD for CDRs with Tenant matching, Destination matching 1003 and MediationRunId matching default. On this StatsQueue we will attach an ActionTrigger profile identified by CDRST3_WARN
  • The ActionTrigger CDRST1_WARN will monitor following StatsQueue Metric values:
  • ASR drop under 45 and a minimum of 3 CDRs in the StatsQueue will call Action profile LOG_WARNING which will log the StatsQueue to syslog. The Action will be recurrent with a sleep time of 1 minute.
  • ACD drop under 10 and a minimum of 5 CDRs in the StatsQueue will cause the same log to syslog. The Action will be recurrent with a sleep time of 1 minute.
  • ACC increase over 10 and a minimum of 5 CDRs in the StatsQueue will cause the StatsQueue to be again logged to syslog. The Action will be recurrent with a sleep time of 1 minute.
  • The ActionTrigger CDRST1001_WARN will monitor following StatsQueue Metric values:
  • ASR drop under 65 and a minimum of 3 CDRs in the StatsQueue will call Action profile LOG_WARNING which will log the StatsQueue to syslog. The Action will be recurrent with a sleep time of 1 minute.
  • ACD drop under 10 and a minimum of 5 CDRs in the StatsQueue will cause the same log to syslog. The Action will be recurrent with a sleep time of 1 minute.
  • ACC increase over 5 and a minimum of 5 CDRs in the StatsQueue will cause the StatsQueue to be again logged to syslog. The Action will be recurrent with a sleep time of 1 minute.
  • The ActionTrigger CDRST3_WARN will monitor ACD Metric and react at a minimum ACD of 60 with 5 CDRs in the StatsQueue by writing again to syslog. This ActionTrigger will be fired one time then cleared by the scheduler.
cgr-loader -verbose -path=/usr/share/cgrates/tariffplans/tutorial

To verify that all actions successfully performed, we use following cgr-console commands:

  • Make sure all our balances were topped-up:
cgr-console 'accounts Tenant="" AccountIds=["1001"]'
cgr-console 'accounts Tenant="" AccountIds=["1002"]'
cgr-console 'accounts Tenant="" AccountIds=["1003"]'
cgr-console 'accounts Tenant="" AccountIds=["1004"]'
cgr-console 'accounts Tenant="" AccountIds=["1007"]'
  • Query call costs so we can see our calls will have expected costs (final cost will result as sum of ConnectFee and Cost fields):
cgr-console 'cost Category="call" Tenant="" Subject="1001" Destination="1002" TimeStart="2014-08-04T13:00:00Z" TimeEnd="2014-08-04T13:00:20Z"'
cgr-console 'cost Category="call" Tenant="" Subject="1001" Destination="1002" TimeStart="2014-08-04T13:00:00Z" TimeEnd="2014-08-04T13:01:25Z"'
cgr-console 'cost Category="call" Tenant="" Subject="1001" Destination="1003" TimeStart="2014-08-04T13:00:00Z" TimeEnd="2014-08-04T13:00:20Z"'
cgr-console 'cost Category="call" Tenant="" Subject="1001" Destination="1003" TimeStart="2014-08-04T13:00:00Z" TimeEnd="2014-08-04T13:01:25Z"'
cgr-console 'cost Category="call" Tenant="" Subject="1001" Destination="1004" TimeStart="2014-08-04T13:00:00Z" TimeEnd="2014-08-04T13:00:20Z"'
cgr-console 'cost Category="call" Tenant="" Subject="1001" Destination="1004" TimeStart="2014-08-04T13:00:00Z" TimeEnd="2014-08-04T13:01:25Z"'
  • Make sure CDRStats Queues were created:
cgr-console cdrstats_queueids
cgr-console 'cdrstats_metrics StatsQueueId="*default"'

Test calls

1001 -> 1002

Since the user 1001 is marked as prepaid inside the telecom switch, calling between 1001 and 1002 should generate pre-auth and prepaid debits which can be checked with get_account command integrated within cgr-console tool. Charging will be done based on time of day as described in the tariff plan definition above.

Note: An important particularity to note here is the ability of CGRateS SessionManager to refund units booked in advance (eg: if debit occurs every 10s and rate increments are set to 1s, the SessionManager will be smart enough to refund pre-booked credits for calls stoped in the middle of debit interval).

Check that 1001 balance is properly deducted, during the call, and moreover considering that general balance has priority over the shared one debits for this call should take place at first out of general balance.

cgr-console 'accounts Tenant="" AccountIds=["1001"]'

1002 -> 1001

The user 1002 is marked as postpaid inside the telecom switch hence his calls will be debited at the end of the call instead of during a call and his balance will be able to go on negative without influencing his new calls (no pre-auth).

To check that we had debits we use again console command, this time not during the call but at the end of it:

cgr-console 'accounts Tenant="" AccountIds=["1002"]'

1003 -> 1001

The user 1003 is marked as pseudoprepaid inside the telecom switch hence his calls will be considered same as prepaid (no call setups possible on negative balance due to pre-auth mechanism) but not handled automatically by session manager. His call costs will be calculated directly out of CDRs and balance updated by the time when mediation process occurs. This is sometimes a good compromise of prepaid running without influencing performance (there are no recurrent call debits during a call).

To check that there are no debits during or by the end of the call, but when the CDR reaches the CDRS component(which is close to real-time in case of http-json CDRs):

cgr-console 'accounts Tenant="" AccountIds=["1003"]'

1004 -> 1001

The user 1004 is marked as rated inside the telecom switch hence his calls not interact in any way with accounting subsystem. The only action perfomed by CGRateS related to his calls wil be rating/mediation of his CDRs.

1006 -> 1002

Since the user 1006 is marked as prepaid inside the telecom switch, calling between 1006 and 1002 should generate pre-auth and prepaid debits which can be checked with get_account command integrated within cgr-console tool. One thing to note here is that 1006 is not defined as an account inside CGR Accounting Subsystem but as an alias of another account, hence get_account ran on 1006 will return “not found” and the debits can be monitored on the real account which is 1001.

Check that 1001 balance is properly debitted, during the call, and moreover considering that general balance has priority over the shared one debits for this call should take place at first out of general balance.

cgr-console 'accounts Tenant="" AccountIds=["1006"]'
cgr-console 'accounts Tenant="" AccountIds=["1001"]'

1007 -> 1002

Since the user 1007 is marked as prepaid inside the telecom switch, calling between 1007 and 1002 should generate pre-auth and prepaid debits which can be checked with get_account command integrated within cgr-console tool. Since 1007 has no units left into his accounts but he has one balance marked as shared, debits for this call should take place in accounts which are a part of the same shared balance as the one of 1007/SHARED_A, which in our scenario corresponds to the one of the account 1001.

Check that call can proceed even if 1007 has no units left into his own balances, and that the costs attached to the call towards 1002 are debited from the balance marked as shared within account 1001.

cgr-console 'accounts Tenant="" AccountIds=["1007"]'
cgr-console 'accounts Tenant="" AccountIds=["1001"]'

CDR Exporting

Once the CDRs are mediated, they are available to be exported. One can use available RPC APIs for that or directly call exports from console:

cgr-console 'cdrs_export CdrFormat="csv" ExportDir="/tmp"'

Fraud detection

Since we have configured some action triggers (more than 20 units of balance topped-up or less than 2 and more than 5 units spent on FS_USERS we should be notified over syslog when things like unexpected events happen (eg: fraud with more than 20 units topped-up). Most important is the monitor for 100 units topped-up which will also trigger an account disable together with killing it’s calls if prepaid debits are used.

To verify this mechanism simply add some random units into one account’s balance:

cgr-console 'balance_set Tenant="" Account="1003" Direction="*out" Value=23'
tail -f /var/log/syslog -n 20

cgr-console 'balance_set Tenant="" Account="1001" Direction="*out" Value=101'
tail -f /var/log/syslog -n 20

On the CDRs side we will be able to integrate CdrStats monitors as part of our Fraud Detection system (eg: the increase of average cost for 1001 and 1002 accounts will signal us abnormalities, hence we will be notified via syslog).