3. Installation

CGRateS can be installed via packages as well as Go automated source install. We recommend using source installs for advanced users familiar with Go programming and packages for users not willing to be involved in the code building process.

3.1. Using packages

3.1.1. Debian Jessie/Wheezy

This is for the moment the only packaged and the most recommended to use method to install CGRateS.

On the server you want to install CGRateS, simply execute the following commands:

cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
wget -O - http://apt.itsyscom.com/conf/cgrates.gpg.key|apt-key add -
wget http://apt.itsyscom.com/conf/cgrates.apt.list
apt-get update
apt-get install cgrates

Once the installation is completed, one should perform the 3.3. Post-install section in order to have the CGRateS properly set and ready to run. After post-install actions are performed, CGRateS will be configured in /etc/cgrates/cgrates.json and enabled in /etc/default/cgrates.

3.2. Using source

For developing CGRateS and switching between its versions, we are using the new vendor directory feature introduced in go 1.6. In a nutshell all the dependencies are installed and used from a folder named vendor placed in the root of the project.

To manage this vendor folder we use a tool named glide which will download specific versions of the external packages used by CGRateS. To configure the project with glide use the following commands:

go get github.com/Masterminds/glide
go get github.com/accurateproject/accurate
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/accurateproject/accurate
glide install

The glide install command will install the external dependencies versions, specified in the glide.lock file, in the vendor folder. There are different versions for each CGRateS branch, versions that are recorded in the lock file when the GCRateS releases are made (using glide update command).


The vendor folder should not be registered with the VCS we are using.

For more information and command options use glide readme page.

3.3. Post-install

3.3.1. Database setup

For its operation CGRateS uses one or more database types, depending on its nature, install and configuration being further necessary.

At present we support the following databases:

Can be used as tariffplan_db - data_db . Optimized for real-time information access. Once installed there should be no special requirements in terms of setup since no schema is necessary.

Can be used as stor_db . Optimized for CDR archiving and offline Tariff Plan versioning. Once MySQL is installed, CGRateS database needs to be set-up out of provided scripts. (example for the paths set-up by debian package)

cd /usr/share/cgrates/storage/mysql/
./setup_cgr_db.sh root CGRateS.org localhost

Can be used as stor_db . Optimized for CDR archiving and offline Tariff Plan versioning. Once PostgreSQL is installed, CGRateS database needs to be set-up out of provided scripts (example for the paths set-up by debian package)

cd /usr/share/cgrates/storage/postgres/

Can be used as tariffplan_db - data_db - stor_db . It is the first database that can be used to store all kinds of data stored from CGRateS from accounts, tariff plans to cdrs and logs. This is provided as an alternative to Redis and/or MySQL/PostgreSQL and right now there are NO plans to drop support for any of them soon.

Once MongoDB is installed, CGRateS database needs to be set-up out of provided scripts (example for the paths set-up by debian package)

cd /usr/share/cgrates/storage/mongo/


The historys (History Service) component will use Git to archive tariff plan changes in a local repository, hence Git installation is necessary if you want to use this service.