CGRateS Installation

As operating system we have choosen Debian Wheezy, since all the software components we use provide packaging for it.


Some components of CGRateS (whether enabled or not is up to the administrator) depend on external software like:

  • Git used by CGRateS History Server as archiver.
  • Redis to serve as Rating and Accounting DB for CGRateS.
  • MySQL to serve as StorDB for CGRateS.

We will install them in one shot using the command bellow.

apt-get install git redis-server mysql-server

Note: For simplicity sake we have used as MySQL root password when asked:


Installation steps are provided within CGRateS install documentation.

To get CGRateS installed execute the following commands over ssh console:

cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
wget -O - | apt-key add -
apt-get update
apt-get install cgrates

As described in post-install section, we will need to set up the MySQL database (using as our root password):

cd /usr/share/cgrates/storage/mysql/
./ root localhost

At this point we have CGRateS installed but not yet configured. To facilitate the understanding and speed up the process, CGRateS comes already with the configurations used in these tutorials, available in the /usr/share/cgrates/tutorials folder, so we will load them custom on each tutorial case.