CDR Stats Server

Collects CDRs from various sources (eg: CGR-CDRS, CGR-Mediator, CGR-SM, third-party CDR source via RPC) and builds real-time stats based on them. Each StatsQueue has attached ActionTriggers with monitoring and actions capabilities.

Principles of functionality:

  • Standalone component (can be started individually on remote hardware, isolated form other CGRateS compoenents).
  • Performance oriented. Should be able to process tens of thousands of CDRs per second.
  • Cache driven technology. But SaveInterval can be set to store this information on redis.
  • Stats are build within StatsQueues a CDR Stats Server being able to support unlimited number of StatsQueues. Each CDR will be passed to all of StatsQueues available and will be processed by individual StatsQueue based on configuration.
  • Stats will be build inside Metrics (eg: ASR, ACD, ACC, TCC) and attached to specific StatsQueue.
  • Each StatsQueue will have attached one ActionTriggers profile which will monitor Metrics values and react on thresholds reached (unlimited number of thresholds and reactions configurable).
  • CDRs are processed by StatsQueues if they pass CDR field filters.
  • CDRs are auto-removed from StatsQueues in a fifo manner if the QueueLength is reached or if they do not longer fit within TimeWindow defined.


Individual StatsQueue configurations are loaded inside TariffPlan defitions, one configuration object is internally represented as:

type CdrStats struct {
    Id                string          // Config id, unique per config instance
    QueueLength       int             // Number of items in the stats buffer
    TimeWindow        time.Duration   // Will only keep the CDRs who's call setup time is not older than time.Now()-TimeWindow
    SaveInterval      time.Duration   // Interval to store the info into database
    Metrics           []string        // ASR, ACD, ACC, TCC, TCD, PDD
    SetupInterval     []time.Time     // CDRFieldFilter on SetupInterval, 2 or less items (>= start interval,< stop_interval)
    TOR               []string        // CDRFieldFilter on TORs
    CdrHost           []string        // CDRFieldFilter on CdrHosts
    CdrSource         []string        // CDRFieldFilter on CdrSources
    ReqType           []string        // CDRFieldFilter on ReqTypes
    Direction         []string        // CDRFieldFilter on Directions
    Tenant            []string        // CDRFieldFilter on Tenants
    Category          []string        // CDRFieldFilter on Categories
    Account           []string        // CDRFieldFilter on Accounts
    Subject           []string        // CDRFieldFilter on Subjects
    DestinationPrefix []string        // CDRFieldFilter on DestinationPrefixes
    UsageInterval     []time.Duration // CDRFieldFilter on UsageInterval, 2 or less items (>= Usage, <Usage)
    PddInterval       []time.Duration // CDRFieldFilter on PddInterval, 2 or less items (>= Pdd, <Pdd)
    Supplier          []string        // CDRFieldFilter on Suppliers
    DisconnectCause   []string        // Filter on DisconnectCause
    MediationRunIds   []string        // CDRFieldFilter on MediationRunIds
    RatedAccount      []string        // CDRFieldFilter on RatedAccounts
    RatedSubject      []string        // CDRFieldFilter on RatedSubjects
    CostInterval      []float64       // CDRFieldFilter on CostInterval, 2 or less items, (>=Cost, <Cost)
    Triggers          ActionTriggerPriotityList

Metrics Types

  • ACC (Average Call Cost): Queue with the average call cost
  • ACD (Average Call Duration): Queue with the average call duration
  • ASR (Answer-Seizure Ratio): Queue with the answer ratio
  • PDD (Post Dial Delay ): Queue with the average Post Dial Delay in seconds
  • TCC (Total Call Cost): Queue with the Total cost for the time frame.
  • TCD (Total Call Duration): Queue with the total call duration for the

time frame


The Metrics calculated are available to be real-time queried via RPC methods.

To facilitate interaction there are four commands built in the provided cgr-console tool:

  • cdrstats_queueids: returns the queue ids processing CDR Stats.
  • cdrstats_metrics: returns metrics calculated within specific CDRStatsQueue.
  • cdrstats_reload: reloads the CdrStats configurations out of DataDb.
  • cdrstats_reset: resets calculated metrics for one specific or all StatsQueues.

Example use

When you work with balance maybe you want to keep a eye in your users, so you can add a new queue for the last 5 hours to check that your customer it’s not hacked, this is an example:

CDR stats:

    "CdrStats": [
        "Accounts": "my_account",
        "ActionTriggers": "FRAUD_CHECK",
        "Categories": "",
        "CdrHosts": "",
        "CdrSources": "",
        "CostInterval": "",
        "DestinationPrefixes": "",
        "Directions": "",
        "DisconnectCauses": "",
        "MediationRunIds": "",
        "Metrics": "TCC",
        "PddInterval": "",
        "QueueLength": "0",
        "RatedAccounts": "",
        "RatedSubjects": "",
        "ReqTypes": "",
        "SaveInterval": "15s",
        "SetupInterval": "",
        "Subjects": "",
        "Suppliers": "",
        "TORs": "",
        "Tenants": "foehn",
        "TimeWindow": "5h",
        "UsageInterval": ""
    "CdrStatsId": "FRAUD_ACCOUNT",
    "TPid": "test"

Action Trigger:

"result": {
    "ActionTriggers": [
        "ActionsId": "LOG_WARNING",
        "BalanceCategory": "",
        "BalanceDestinationIds": "",
        "BalanceDirection": "",
        "BalanceExpirationDate": "",
        "BalanceId": "",
        "BalanceRatingSubject": "",
        "BalanceSharedGroup": "",
        "BalanceTimingTags": "",
        "BalanceType": "",
        "BalanceWeight": 0,
        "Id": "",
        "MinQueuedItems": 0,
        "MinSleep": "3h",
        "Recurrent": true,
        "ThresholdType": "\\*max_tcc",
        "ThresholdValue": 150,
        "Weight": 10
    "ActionTriggersId": "FRAUD_CHECK",
    "TPid": "test"

Using cgr-console you can check the status of the queue anytime:

cgr-console 'cdrstats_metrics StatsQueueId="FRAUD_ACCOUNT"'