API Calls

The general API usage of the CGRateS involves creating a CallDescriptor structure sending it to the balancer via JSON/GOB RPC and getting a response from the balancer in form of a CallCost structure or a numeric value for requested information.

CallDescriptor structure

  • Direction, TOR, Tenant, Subject, Account, DestinationPrefix string
  • TimeStart, TimeEnd Time
  • Amount float64
The direction of the call (inbound or outbound)
Type Of Record, used to differentiate between various type of records
Customer Identification used for multi tenant databases
Subject for this query
Used when different from subject
Destination call id to be matched
TimeStart, TimeEnd
The start end end of the call in question
The amount requested in various API calls (e.g. DebitSMS amount)

The Subject field is used usually used to identify both the client in the detailed cost list and the user in the balances database. When there is some additional info added to the subject for the call price list then the Account attribute is used to specify the balance for the client. For example: the subject can be rif:from:ha or rif:form:mu and for both we would use the rif account.

CallCost structure

  • TOR int
  • CstmId, Subject, DestinationPrefix string
  • Cost, ConnectFee float64
  • Timespans []*TimeSpan
Type Of Record, used to differentiate between various type of records (for query identification and confirmation)
Customer Identification used for multi tenant databases (for query identification and confirmation)
Subject for this query (for query identification and confirmation)
Destination prefix to be matched (for query identification and confirmation)
The requested cost
The requested connection cost
The timespans in witch the initial TimeStart-TimeEnd was split in for cost determination with all pricing and cost information attached.

As stated before the balancer (or the rater directly) can be accesed via json rpc.

The smallest python snippet to acces the CGRateS balancer is this:

cd = {"Tor":0,
        "CstmId": "vdf",
        "Subject": "rif",
        "DestinationPrefix": "0256",
        "TimeStart": "2012-02-02T17:30:00Z",
        "TimeEnd": "2012-02-02T18:30:00Z"}

s = socket.create_connection(("", 2001))
s.sendall(json.dumps(({"id": 1, "method": "Responder.Get", "params": [cd]})))
print s.recv(4096)

This also gives you a pretty good idea of how JSON-RPC works. You can find details in the specification. A call to a JSON-RPC server simply sends a block of data through a socket. The data is formatted as a JSON structure, and a call consists of an id (so you can sort out the results when they come back), the name of the method to execute on the server, and params, an array of parameters which can itself consist of complex JSON objects. The dumps() call converts the Python structure into JSON.

In the stress folder you can find a better example of python client using a class that reduces the actual call code to:

rpc =JSONClient(("", 2001))
result = rpc.call("Responder.Get", cd)
print result

Call API

Creates a CallCost structure with the cost information calculated for the received CallDescriptor.
Interface method used to add/substract an amount of cents or bonus seconds (as returned by GetCost method) from user’s money balance.
Interface method used to add/substract an amount of cents or bonus seconds (as returned by GetCost method) from user’s money balance. This methods combines the Debit and GetMaxSessionTime and will debit the max available time as returned by the GetMaxSessionTime method. The amount filed has to be filled in call descriptor.
Interface method used to add/substract an amount of cents from user’s money budget. The amount filed has to be filled in call descriptor.
Interface method used to add/substract an amount of units from user’s SMS budget. The amount filed has to be filled in call descriptor.
Interface method used to add/substract an amount of seconds from user’s minutes budget. The amount filed has to be filled in call descriptor.
Returns the approximate max allowed session for user budget. It will try the max amount received in the call descriptor and will decrease it by 10% for nine times. So if the user has little credit it will still allow 10% of the initial amount. If the user has no credit then it will return 0.
Adds the specified amount of seconds to the received call seconds. When the threshold specified in the user’s tariff plan is reached then the received call budget is reseted and the bonus specified in the tariff plan is applied. The amount filed has to be filled in call descriptor.
Cleans all internal cached (Destinations, RatingProfiles)

Management API

These operate on live data.

Gets the destinations for the specified tag.

type AttrDestination struct {
        Id       string
        Prefixes []string

Only the Id field must be set for get operation.

GetDestination(attr *AttrDestination, reply *AttrDestination)

Gets a specific balance of a user acoount.

type AttrGetBalance struct {
             Tenant    string
             Account   string
             BalanceId string
             Direction string

The Tenant is the network tenant of the account.

The Account is the id of the account for which the balance is desired.

The BalanceId can have one of the following string values: MONETARY, SMS, INTERNET, INTERNET_TIME, MINUTES.

Direction can be the strings IN or OUT (default OUT).

Return value is the balance value as float64.

GetBalance(attr *AttrGetBalance, reply *float64)

Adds an amount to a specific balance of a user account.

type AttrAddBalance struct {
            Tenant    string
            Account   string
            BalanceId string
            Direction string
            Value     float64

The Tenant is the network tenant of the account.

The Account is the id of the account for which the balance is set.

The BalanceId can have one of the following string values: MONETARY, SMS, INTERNET, INTERNET_TIME, MINUTES.

Direction can be the strings IN or OUT (default OUT).

Value is the amount to be added to the specified balance.

AddBalance(attr *AttrAddBalance, reply *float64)

Executes specified action on a user account.

type AttrExecuteAction struct {
            Direction string
            Tenant    string
            Account   string
            ActionsId string
ExecuteAction(attr *AttrExecuteAction, reply *float64)
type AttrAddActionTrigger struct {
        Tenant         string
        Account        string
        Direction      string
        BalanceId      string
        ThresholdValue float64
        DestinationId  string
        Weight         float64
        ActionsId      string
AddTriggeredAction(attr *AttrAddActionTrigger, reply *float64)
type AttrSetAccount struct {
        Tenant          string
        Direction       string
        Account         string
        Type            string // <*prepaid|*postpaid>
        ActionTimingsId string
AddAccount(attr *AttrAddAccount, reply *string)